t: tree spacing (m) – Enter value (admit decimals)
r: row spacing (m) – Enter value (admit decimals)
h: canopy height (m) – Select one of the proposed intervals
w: crosswise mid-width of canopy (m) – Select one of the proposed intervals
h: canopy height (m) – Select one of the proposed intervals
w: mid-width of canopy (m) – Select one of the proposed intervals
Select one of the proposed types. Sprayer determines the efficiency of the application. See the efficiency value for different types of sprayer in the section DOCUMENTS from the home page.
Once the choice is made, sprayer is qualified by a colour depending on its efficiency.
Fruit, almond, olive in hedgerow
Isolated trees orchards
Multi spout
Vertical booms
Recycling tunnel

1 full row

2 full rows

3 full rows
DOSA3D determines the dose assuming that forward speed is necessarily in the recommended range. Forward speed upper recommended values can reduce the pesticide deposition mainly in the canopy internal zone.
Recommended forward speed
- Fruits and grapes: 5.0 km/h (max. 7.0 km/h)
- Almonds and olives in hedgerow: 5.0 km/h (max. 7.0 km/h)
- Citrus: 1.5 – 3.0 km/h (max. 5.0 km/h)
- Isolated trees (olives in goblet): 2.0 – 3.0 km/h (max. 5.0 km/h)
DOSA3D determines the dose assuming that weather conditions are necessary for the following recommended ranges:
- Temperature: 10-20ºC (never spray at less than 5ºC and upper 30ºC)
- Humidity: 35-80% (never spray in rain or fog conditions)
- Wind speed: lower than 1 m/s (never over 3 m/s or in the direction of risk areas as residences, routes, and surface waters)
Catalunya - METEOCAT www.meteo.cat/prediccio/municipal
España - AEMET www.aemet.es/es/portada
Belgique / België www.meteobelgique.be
Deutschland – WETTER DE www.wetter.de/deutschland
France - METEOFRANCE www.meteofrance.com
Hellas – ENMS www.meteo.gr
Italia – METEO ITALIA www.meteo.it
Nederland - BUIENRADAR www.buienradar.nl
Polska ICM - www.meteo.pl
Portugal – IPMA www.ipma.pt
Suïsse / Schweiz – METEOSUISSE www.meteosuisse.admin.ch/home/meteo/previsions.html
Guidelines for sprayer calibration
Advice for bush and tree crop sprayer adjustment